The Narasimha Panchamrita Stotra is very delicious to the ears to listen. Hence it is described as equivalent to tasting of the divine nectar of panchamrita. The devatas who listened to this stuti, described it as the Panchamritam Anuttamam. The devatas realized that this stuti composed by Sri Ramachandra was unsurpassed in taste better than any panchamritam.
Sri Narasimha Panchamrita Stotra is a set of 5 slokas composed by Sri Ramachandra at Ahobilam in the glorification of Lord Narasimha. Sri Ramachandra had stopped at Ahobilam enroute Hampi. He worshiped Lord Narasimha at Ahobilam Kshetra. The Sesha Dharman (Chapter 47) of Harivasham describes the lilas of Sri Ramachandra at Ahobilam.
One who chants Narasimha Panchamrita Stotra is certainly blessed by Lord Narasimha and all his wishes are fufilled by Lord Narasimha. One also attains the heavenly planets and more than anything devotional service to the Lord.
Sri Narasimha Panchamrita Stotra
govinda keshava janaardana vaasudeva
vishvesha vishva madhusudana vishvarupa
shri padmanaabha purushottama pushkaraaksha naaraayanaachyuta
narasimha namo namaste ||1||
O Lord Govinda, Keshava, Janardana, Vasudeva, Vishvesha, Vishwa, Madhusudana and Vishwarupa. O Lord Sri Padmanabha, Purushottama, Pushkaraksha, Narayana and Achyuta. O Lord Narasimha, my obeisances unto you.
devaah samastaah khalu yogimukhyaah
gandharva vidyaadhara kinnaraascha
yatpaadamulam satatam namanti
tam naarasimham sharanam gato smi ||2||
I surrender unto you Lord Narasimha whose feet is ever worshipped by all devas, by those who are experts of yoga, by Gandharvas, Vidyadharas and Kinnaras.
vedaan samastaan khalu shaastragarbhaan
vidyaabale kirtimatim cha lakshmim
yasya prasaadaat satatam labhante
tam naarasimham sharanam gato smi ||3||
I surrender unto you Lord Narasimha by whose grace one receives the knowledge of all the Vedas, knowledge, fame and wealth.
chandraarka vaayvagni marud ganash ca
naaraayano sau marutaam patish ca
brahmaa shivastvam purushottamash ca
tvameva tam tvaam satatam nato smi ||4||
I always salute you and you only. You are Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, Narayana, the chief of Maruts, the Moon, the Air, the Fire and all the celestial tattvas.
svapne api nityam jagataam trayaanaam
srashtaa ca hantaa vibhurapremyah
traataa tvamekastrividho vibhinnah
tamtvaam narasimham satatam nato smi ||5||
I always salute you and you only, who creates, destroys and takes care of the three worlds, as though in dream, by dividing oneself into three forms.
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