In the abode of Vraja, when one comes across the peaceful flow of Yamuna, hear the mooing of cows, the cooing of peacocks and the ringing of cycle bells clubbed with the giggle of kids; when the land starts appearing white and radiating the glamour as that of the full moon, just understand immediately that you are standing in Raval – the divine birthplace of Srimati Radharani – the lady to whom Lord Krishna is sold completely.
The village Raval is situated on the banks of Yamuna river and there is a temple here known as the Larily-lala Mandir, where one can see the beautiful Deities of Radha and Krishna which are worshiped in Their childhood forms. The word larily means darling daughter and lala means darling son. Before the construction of Varsana’s Sriji Mandir, Srimati Radharani’s birthplace at Raval was one of the most popular pilgrimage places in Vraja, but now very few pilgrims come here. It is almost forgotten. Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu also visited Raval during His parikrama of Vraja.
The temple is constructed out of white marble here. It is a small yet very serene and beautiful temple. Since this is rarely visited by the devotees, one can feel the land of Vraja in every aspect of this place. The temple main door leads straight away to the altar where one can have darshan of the Deities. One can also have darshan of the Deity of baby Radharani here which is a marvel and a rare darshan. The temple is surrounded by the farmlands, goshala on the one side and by River Yamuna on the other. There is a beautiful garden of Srimati Radharani opposite to the temple.
In the Vraja-vilasa-stava the appearance of Radharani is described as follows, “Who can understand the great joy in the house of Vrishabhanu when Radhika appeared form the womb of Kirtida. Sri Radha’s effulgent form illuminated the ten directions. Whosever see Radha just once is freed from the threefold miseries. Her body is extremely soft and Her complexion is like molten gold. Alas! How is it possible to describe the exquisite movements of Her limbs. Seeing Her beauty Her parents could not control their excitement and repeatedly looked at Her moon-like face.”
Why She is named as Radha?
In the book Bhakti-ratnakara it says, “Sri Radhika appeared in Raval, and by Her auspicious appearance the whole world was filled with joy.” Radharani appeared on the eighth day of the bright lunar fortnight in the month of Bhadra, as the daughter of Vrishabhanu Maharaja and Kirtida Devi. The Garga Samhita states at that time the devatas showered flowers that they had collected from the Nandakanana celestial gardens. Because She was born the year after Krishna’s birth, during the constellation of Anuradha, She was called Radhika. Radha is also derived from the word ‘aradhyate’ – one who is constantly worshiping Krishna.
The divine appearance of Srimati Radharani at Raval
As per the Padma Purana, one day Vrishabhanu Maharaja went to the bank of Yamuna at around noon to take a midday bath. At that moment he saw a golden lotus flower floating on the water and shining brightly like a thousand suns. Vrishabhanu immediately waded into the river and when he came near to the golden lotus flower, he beheld the most beautiful and radiant form of baby girl lying within the petals of the lotus.
At that same moment, Lord Brahma suddenly appeared there and speaking in a grave voice, informed Vrishabhanu that in his previous life, Vrishabhanu and his wife Kirtida had performed great austerities in order to get the consort of Lord Vishnu as their daughter. Lord Brahma told Vrishabhanu that this girl was the origin of the goddess Lakshmi and that he should take great care of Her. Lord Brahma then placed the baby girl in the arms of Vrishabhanu who became overjoyed, and after taking permission from Lord Brahma, returned to his home. Seeing the beautiful baby girl shining like millions of autumnal moons, mother Kirtida was overcome with joy and immediately arranged for all kinds of religious rites to be performed and donated thousands of cows to the brahmanas. At that time baby Radhika was placed in a gem-studded cradle and gently rocked back and forth by all the little girls of the village. Day by day Her luster increased just like the digits of the moon.
Radha first wanted to see Her beloved Krishna
Within a short while it was observed that the baby girl made no noise and had not yet opened Her eyes. Vrishabhanu and his wife feared that their baby girl was perhaps blind from birth and also dumb. At that time, Srila Narada Muni visited the home of Vrishabhanu and informed him that regardless of the girl’s apparent blindness, they should continue with the birth celebrations. Vrishabhanu therefore made elaborate arrangements for a lavish birth celebration and sent out invitations to all the residents of Ravala and Gokula and especially to his dear friend Nanda Maharaja and his family.
On the appointed day, the guests had assembled, and the birth celebrations were going on in great jubilation. Nanda Maharaja and Yashoda Mayi had arrived with Rohini and also brought their small children Krishna and Balarama. Kirtida met with Yashoda and told her that she was very happy to have a such a beautiful daughter, but was feeling rather distraught because her child was both dumb and blind. Krishna had just passed His first birthday and was happily crawling around the courtyard on His hands and knees. Arriving at the cot in which Radhika was lying, Krishna held on the sides and managed to lift Himself up, He then peeped into the cot where His gaze fell upon the beautiful moon-like face of baby Radhika. As soon as baby Radhika smelt the exotic fragrance of Krishna’s transcendental body, She immediately opened Her eyes for the very first time and looked directly at Krishna who was the first person that She had ever seen. As Krishna gazed lovingly at Baby Radhika He began smiling ecstatically. Radhika then suddenly began to cry and for the very time She made a sound. Hearing the sound of Radhika’s voice for the first time, and seeing her beautiful lotus-eyes wide open as She gazed at baby Krishna, both Vrishabhanu and Kirtida were overjoyed to find out that their beloved daughter Radhika, was neither dumb nor blind after all.
How to reach Raval?
Raval is located around 13 kms from Mathura. Raval can be reached either from Vrindavana or Mathura. One can find autos traveling to Raval from Mathura. One can also hire a private cab from Mathura or Vrindavana to Raval.
5 Comments On Raval – the birthplace of Radharani
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Santhosh B
Wow, beautiful write up. Gravitating to this place. Thank you