Ratha Saptami or Magha Saptami is a prominent festival celebrated especially in South India and particularly in the ornate and grand temples of South India. It is observed on the seventh day of the Shukla Paksha in the Magha Masa.
Ratha Saptami is the birthday of Suryadeva
Ratha Saptami festival is the birthday of Surya Deva. It is also known as Surya Jayanti. Surya Deva was born to Kashyapa Muni and Aditi. Suryadeva, controls the affairs of the entire universe, especially in regard to heat, light, seasonal changes and so on. He is celebrated as the eye of Lord Narayana – chakshoh surya ajaayata.
He is considered an expansion of Lord Narayana. He represents the three Vedas-Rg, Yajur and Sama and therefore he is known as Trayimaya, the form of Lord Narayana. The sun-god has expanded himself in twelve divisions, and thus he controls the six seasonal changes and causes winter, summer, rain and so on.
Yogis and karmis following the varnashrama institution, who practice hatha or ashtanga-yoga or who perform agnihotra sacrifices, worship Surya Narayana for their own benefit. Suryadeva is always in touch with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana.
Suryadeva changes his course on Ratha Saptami
Suryadeva is constanly circling the Meru Mountain which is the epic center of Bhu Mandala. In fact his orbit is 760,800,000 miles long and he travels at the speed of 16004 miles per moment. The chariot of Suryadeva is 28,800,000 miles long and 7,200,000 miles wide. The charioteer Arunadeva harnesses the horses of the chariot.
Although Arundeva is seated in front and engaged in driving the chariot, he is always facing the sun-god. Sixty thousand saintly persons of the size of thumb named as Vaalikhilyas are located in front of Sun-god and offer him eloquent prayers of glorification. The Gandharvas are singing in front of him. Apsaras are dancing before the chariot, the Pannagas decorate the chariot, the Yakshas guard the chariot and Nischaras follow the chariot.
The orbit of Sun God is known as Samvatsara. The Sun’s path on northern side is called as Uttarayana and Dakshinayana is the southern side. Uttarayana represents the day for the devatas and Dakshinayana represents the night. It takes 6 months for Sun’s chariot to cover one side.
On the Ratha Saptami day, the Sun’s chariot completely turns towards the northern direction. Officially from Ratha Saptami day, the heat of summer starts increasing. Bhishmadeva left his body on the next day of Ratha Saptami.
Ratha Saptami celebrations at home
This festival has got very simple celebrations. One has to wake up early in the morning and bathe in the brahma-muhurta only. While bathing one should give the arka leaf above the head, one above each shoulder, two above the knees and two above the feet. One should then worship Lord Surya Narayana and offer arghya to Surya Deva exactly within one hour of sunrise. One should perform charity to the brahmanas on this day.
Prayers to Lord Suryadeva
The worship of Suryadeva is one of the five primary worships. Thus there are many prayers glorifying Suryadeva in the Vedas and scriptures. However the easiest them all is the Aditya Hrdayam prayers mentioned in the Valmiki Ramayana. Agastya Muni had approached Lord Ramachandra while in the war with Ravana and requested Him to chant this prayers.
Anyone who chants Adiya Hrdayam daily is bestowed with good health and opulence. It is recommended especially on Ratha Saptami that one chants this prayer to please Lord Suryanarayana.
Ratha Saptami in the Temples
Many Surya Temples across India celebrate this festival with grandeur and pomp. Prominent Temples such as Dwadashaditya Temples in Varanasi, Arasavalli Surya Temple, Sun Temple in Jagannath Puri, Suryadeva Temple in Vrajabhumi and various other temples have jubilant celebrations.
The festival is also observed in other prominent temples such as Tirumala, Melkote, Srirangam. In Tirumala a mini Brahmotsava is celebrated on this day when Lord Malayappa rides seven different vahanas in a single day and goes on a procession on the Mada Streets.
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