Ashtu Bhu Vaikunthas are the eight holy kshetras within the sacred tract of Bharata varsha, which are revered as the embassies of the spiritual world. Technically they are called as Ashta Svayam Vykta Kshetras meaning they have got created on their own for the betterment of humankind.
These Ashta Bhu Vaikunthas are Badrikashrama, Shaligramam, Pushkara, Naimisharanya, Tirumala, Totadri, Srirangam and Srimushnam
Details of Ashta Bhu Vaikunthas
Badrikashrama is the holiest of all the holy places. It is situated in Uttarakhand. It is one of the Ashta Bhu Vaikunthas. This is the eternal residence of Lord Badri Vishal and Nara-Narayana Rishi. The temple is also considered as one of the four dhams of the Sanatana Dharma, one of the Divya Deshams and a very sacred place. This holy place is revered by almost all the Vedic Literature. Adi Shankaracharya established the recent vigraha of Lord Badri Vishal. Read more
This kshetra is also called as Muktinath – the place where Lord Narayana performed tapasya for the mukti of the living entities. Shaligramam is situated in Nepal. This is the place where Lord Narayana is present in the form of shila and always being worshiped by Mother Gandaki who originates here. Lord Brahma also performed the yajna in Muktinath Kshetra. The Muktinath temple is revered as one of the 108 Sri Vaishnava Divya Deshams. Read more
Pushkara Sarovara is in Rajasthan. It is one of the Pancha Sarovaras of Bharata Varsha. In this sacred lake which was created due to the tear of Lord Brahma, Lord Narayana is worshipped in the form of water. Pushkara has the only temple of Lord Brahma situated here. Mother Gayatri and Mother Savitri are worshiped in the separate temples, adjacent to the main hill of Lord Brahma. Pushkara is famed for the annual Pushkar Mela which takes place during the Bhishma Panchaka. It is said that only during those five days, one has to take the Pushkara Snana for attaining the desired results.
Naimisharanya is a sacred forest where Lord Narayana is worshiped in the form of the forest. It is situated in Uttar Pradesh. It is very a holy place as this is considered as the birthplace of Srimad Bhagavata Purana which is the ripened fruit of the Vedic Literature. Naimisharanya was chosen by Prabhu Ramachandra to perform the last Ashwamedha Yajnas. This was also the spot from where Bhakta Hanuman emerged from the loka of Ahiravana. Dadichi Rishi had his ashram here. Read more
Tirumala Kshetra does not need any introduction. It is situated in Andhra Pradesh. Everyone who is born in the holy land of Bharata would have at least visited Tirumala once in a lifetime. If not, at least dream of visiting it. Here Lord Srinivasa or Lord Venkateshwara is worshiped in unimaginable opulence and also bhakti of great devotees. The Tirumala Hill is the manifestation of Ananta Sesha on whose head Lord Srinivasa is standing. This temple is one of the ashta bhu vaikunthas and one of the 108 Divya Deshams.
Totadri or Nanguneri is one of the 108 Divya Deshams and is in Tamilnadu. This is the holy place where Lord Narayana is seated along with His consorts and blessing His devotees. In this temple there is a well of oil which can cure any disease. The oil is applied on the body of the Lord and later collected in this well. Nanguneri is near the Mahendra Giri Parvata which was used as a launching pad by Hanuman when he jumped to Srilanka. Although a very marvelous temple, it is seldom visited by devotees.
Srirangam is the world’s largest functioning temple. This temple is the pride of Tamilnadu. The city is settled within the temple. Within the pranava vimana, Lord Ranganatha receives a grand worship. This Deity of Lord Ranganatha was worshipped by the Raghava Dynasty as kuladhana and later gifted to Vibhishana by Prabhu Ramachandra. Srirangam is the primordial seat of Srivaishnavism along with Kanchipuram and Tirumala. This is the foremost of the 108 Sri Vaishnava Divya Deshams. The temple has unlimited glories so much so that I don’t have sufficient words to describe them all. Read more
Srimushnam is another such rare kshetra which is located off-beat and not in the vicinity of any major city. It is in the deeper part of Tamilnadu near Cuddalore. Hence the temple rarely sees a larger group of crowds. The temple is huge and very serene due to less crowds. Lord Varaha emerged out of this place after saving the bhumi. Lord Yajna Varaha is worshiped here in the standing position with shanka and chakra in His lotus hands.
One who visits these eight ashta bhu vaikunthas is surely to get moksha in this lifetime and will not take birth again. These holy places are the embassies of the spiritual world. They have been revered by all the previous acharyas and shall continue to win over the hearts of devotees in the times to come.
How to reach Ashta Bhu Vaikunthas
Ashta Bhu Vaikunthas are situated all over the country. To visit them in one go is not possible. Tirtha Yatra organizes regular tours to Ashta Bhu Vaikunthas throughout the year during which you can be blessed with their darshan.
Best time to visit Ashta Bhu Vaikunthas
The best time to travel to Ashta Bhu Vaikunthas differ as they are in different parts of the country. The northern temples can be covered during the Feb-Mar or Oct-Nov. The southern temples can be covered during Sep-Mar.
Comment On Ashta Bhu Vaikunthas
S Ravinder Yadav
Thanks for this spiritually enlightening and informative article